Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Real sense of learning!

Idea of all education, all training can never be memorising facts and passing exams. Educating in true sense means "Man- Making"..the end aim of all training has to be to make the man grow being one who influences, who throws his magic,...has dynamo of power, and when that man is ready, he can do anything and everything he likes;this personality put upon anything will make it work.
And Dear friends am really glad to say that just in past 20 days... it has all been about such education system only... which has added a lot to my personality.
The kind of devotion, i see here in professors....Their thought process... case analysis... creating real life situatons....all reflect as how deep can a person be involved in his work... The energy level of professors... really inspires me.. as when they can put in 100%... why can't we?
I must say guys... we are all lucky indeed!
I won't say Thanks ...Its My Family...!
cheers for IWSB

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see this posting about IWSB... I wrote one on my blog after interaction with the PGP I students (includes ankita). Check it out at

    Enjoy the journey...

    love and wishes


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